The Municipality of Central Huron operates and maintains the Clinton Cemetery located at 40046 Hydro Line Road, Clinton, ON. The Clinton Cemetery is a public cemetery and we are committed to helping families and individuals understand and make decisions regarding cemetery services.
Arrangements for Burial |
The Municipality works in co-operation with all local funeral homes. Arrangements are made by the Funeral Director, who will notify us of the date and time of funeral. Private arrangements may be made directly with the Cemetery Administrator. Please note that the funeral home which is conducting the burial shall be responsible for the supply and operation of lowering devises and artificial grass. |
Cemetery By-Law | ||||||||||||
The Cemetery By-law outlines our cemetery operations including rules, entitlements and restrictions. | ||||||||||||
Cemetery Fees | ||||||||||||
Download the PDF version of the Clinton Cemetery Fees. Please note that all interment rights and cemetery services shall be paid in full at the time of purchase and may be purchased by cheque, cash, or debit.
The BAO’s Consumer Information Guide: A Guide to Death Care in Ontario is a free consumer-protection information booklet. The guide is written for families and the public to know their rights and responsibilities before entering into contracts with organizations that are licensed under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002. |
Map of Clinton Cemetery |
Clinton Cemetery License |
Cemetery Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We have experienced a loss in the family, what do we need to do to now? |
If you are looking to purchase a lot or columbarium niche, contact the Municipal Office (519-482-3997) or email us to schedule an appointment. We will walk you through selecting a location and draw up a contract for purchase. Payment in full is required at the time of purchase. If you/your loved one purchased a lot pre-need and you need to schedule an interment you can either have your funeral home contact us or we can arrange interment services privately. An interment service contract will be made and payment in full is required at the time of signing. |
When I buy a lot, do I own the land? |
No. What you own is the right to determine who may be buried in your lot. These rights are called interment rights or burial rights. The land remains property and the responsibility of the cemetery. |
How long do I own my interment rights? |
You and your heirs will own your interment rights forever. To protect your rights, a percentage of the lot sale is placed in a Care & Maintenance trust fund. |
Do you resell the land after a long time? |
No. In Ontario, cemeteries are intended to be operated forever. Once you purchase a grave, the interment rights are registered in the name of the owner forever. |
Can I sell my lot to someone else? |
No. In Central Huron, resale of a lot or interment rights to third parties is prohibited. |
Can anyone in my family use the grave, niche, or urn lot? |
Yes. The written permission of the registered interment rights holder, or their direct heir(s), is required before anyone can make use of a grave, niche, or urn lot. |
Can we plant a tree, bush, or flowers on our family grave? |
Bushes and flowers are allowed in certain areas and situations. Please review the Cemetery By-law for more information. |
Can I put any marker on my family grave? |
No, as we have restrictions with regards to size and style. Please review the Cemetery By-law for more information. |
What burial options are available at the Clinton Cemetery? |
Should I pre-arrange my cemetery needs? |
By pre-arranging your burial, your wishes are made clear. Advance planning is the best way to avoid heavier financial burdens in the future and decisions are made apart from the emotions and stress of death. We will assist you and respect your preferences. We will make a full, unhurried, in-depth disclosure of all costs, so you can make prudent and informed choices in an atmosphere free from the grief that accompanies a death. If you would like to pre-plan and pay for your final resting place, please give us a call or send us an email and schedule an appointment. |
What happens if I pre-purchase at the Clinton Cemetery, but change my mind or move away from the area? |
In accordance with provincial law, money received for pre-planned cemetery services, such as a burial, is deposited in a trust fund. If you change your mind within the first thirty (30) days of purchase, you will receive a full refund. After thirty (30) days, you can still cancel your purchase as long as the supplies and/or services contracted for you have yet to be provided (i.e. no monument has been installed and the interment rights have not been used). In this case, you may be eligible for a refund less any care and maintenance. Please contact the municipal office for more information. |
What is a "Care and Maintenance Fee"? |
The Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act requires every cemetery operator who sells, assigns, or transfers interment rights or who permits the interment of human remains have a Care and Maintenance Fund. These contributions became mandatory in Ontario in 1955. A percentage of Interment Rights purchased is put into the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund. The income generated from this fund is used to maintain, secure, and preserve the cemetery grounds. |