Document Commissioning

The Commissioners for taking Affidavits Act allows Municipal Clerks and other Officials (also known as Commissioner of Oaths) to take various types of declarations and to administer oaths.

Please note that the Municipality of Central Huron does not have a Notary Public on staff.


Verified documents containing sworn statements are known as affidavits. Central Huron can sign affidavits. All parties required to sign the document must be present and must provide valid photo identification in order to have a document commissioned.


Commissioning of up to 3 documents - $30.00 

After the first 3 documents - $10 per document

Note: Town Hall only accepts debit, cash, or cheque. 

Commissioning process

The Clerk or designate (Commissioner of Oaths) reviews the document to determine if it meets our specifications.

Contact Town Hall to:

  • Ensure that there is a Commissioner of Oaths available
  • Get assistance in determining if the Commissioner is authorized to sign your document(s)
  • Confirm the applicable fee associated with your document(s)

We reserve the right to refuse commissioning services of any document

Documents the municipality WILL commission

  • Central Huron generated documents
  • Domestic and Foreign Pension documents (Proof of Life)
  • Statutory Declaration of Apprenticeship Hours
  • Canadian Citizenship forms
  • Delayed Statement of Live Birth
  • Name Change document
  • Statutory Declaration of Lost Identification (must include police report number)
  • Sworn Statement for the Transfer of a Used Motor Vehicle in the Province of ON
  • Statutory Declaration for OSAP – Statement of Common Law Status/Supporting Children
  • Affidavit of Unregistered Vehicle
  • Immunization Health Form
  • Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (single signature) - Service Canada form
  • Application for Change of Sex Designation on a Birth Registration

Documents the municipality WILL NOT commission

  • Wills, “Living Wills”, Codicils to Wills or Estate Settlement documents
  • Power of Attorney
  • Divorce or Separation documents
  • Custody documents
  • Documents related to debt
  • Real estate related documents, statements, transfer of land
  • Court, Legal or Civil issue related documents
  • Age of Majority or BYID Card application
  • Documents that need to be Notarized
  • Letters of Invitation to obtain a visa to visit Canada
  • Travel Affidavit – consent letter for children
  • Proof of Loss for Insurance documents
  • Any document that is to be executed by an individual acting in their capacity as a Power of Attorney