Lottery Licensing

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating and overseeing licensed lottery events conducted by eligible charitable and religious organizations to raise funds to support charitable purposes. As part of the AGCO's regulatory responsibilities in the charitable sector, the AGCO administers, in partnership with municipalities, the regulatory framework governing the issuance of charitable lottery licenses.

The AGCO authorizes the Municipality of Central Huron to issue licenses for some types of lottery and gaming events for eligible charitable, religious, and non-profit organizations. The Criminal Code of Canada defines what types of gaming activities are illegal in Canada, and the provinces are assigned responsibility to operate, license and regulate legal forms of gaming.

Lottery license applicants should note that raising funds through gaming contains a certain element of risk on the part of the charitable organization - lotteries should be viewed as a supplement or alternative to the organization's other fundraising ventures: lottery proceeds may not be the main source of fundraising for a charitable organization.

The Municipality of Central Huron has the authority to issue licenses for most lottery events conducted in Central Huron, including:

  • Bingo events with prize boards of up to $5,500
  • Media bingo events with prizes of up to $5,500
  • Raffles with prizes of up to $50,000
  • Break open ticket events that are not conducted in conjunction with another licensed gaming event, and where the tickets are sold within Central Huron
  • Bazaar lotteries which include: wheel of fortune with a maximum individual bet of $2.00, raffles not exceeding $50,000 in prizes, and bingo events not exceeding $5,500 in prizes

Through the Clerk's department, the Municipality must ensure all legal requirements, including terms and conditions of the licenses, are met by lottery licensees and any gaming suppliers used by charities. Eligible organizations and their lottery licensing representative are responsible for understanding their role within the lottery licensing program and it is strongly advised to review the AGCO's Lottery Licensing Policy Manual and Central Huron's User's Guide to Lottery Licensing

What is a Lottery?

A lottery event is defined by three elements: 

  1. A fee or consideration
  2. A chance to win
  3. A Prize
Lottery Licenses that Central Huron can issue
  • Bingo events
  • Raffles
  • Break Open Tickets
  • Bazaar gaming events
How does my organization apply for lottery licensing?
If you are interested in applying for a lottery license, please contact the Clerk's department.
Lottery Licensing Process

As a lottery licensing authority, the Municipality of Central Huron has a responsibility to follow the lottery licensing process set out by the AGCO. This includes: 

  • Conducting eligibility reviews and maintaining current eligibility files; 
  • Reviewing and evaluating lottery applications and reports; 
  • Ensuring that proceeds are eligible and used in accordance with the licensee's charitable mandates; 
  • Ensuring compliance with any issued lottery license; 
  • Reporting any breaches to the AGCO

Once the applicant has (1) been deemed eligible, (2) opened a Lottery Trust Account, and (3) submitted a copy of the account information to the Clerk's department, an application to conduct a lottery may be completed. 

Lottery License Fees

The fee for each lottery license is equal to 3% of the total prize value. In Central Huron, lottery license fees are offset by a donation grant in which the fee is 3% of the total prize value and anything above $10.00 is offset by Central Huron donation (i.e. organizations only pay $10.00 per lottery scheme). 

Lottery license fees must be paid by cheque made payable to the Municipality of Central Huron from your organization's lottery trust account.

Eligible Organizations

All lottery licenses issued through a municipality must have a charitable purpose. Only those organizations which can have a charitable mandate and use proceeds for charitable purposes can receive a lottery license. 

 Eligibility Review Application

Eligibility review applications are to be completed every two (2) years to ensure that the information held by the Municipality is up-to-date and that your organization remains eligible to hold a license for lottery schemes. 

An organization must have completed an Eligibility Application for Lottery Licensing.

Please note: eligibility reviews for new groups take approximately two weeks. Additional information may be requested. Please provide all necessary material in a timely manner. Annual eligibility updates of changed or amended documents, programs, or similar material are required by each active group once they are deemed eligible to conduct lotteries.

Once an organization has been deemed eligible by the Clerk's department, organizations should complete a Lottery License Organization Information form. This form can be submitted by organizations whenever there are changes to their general information not relating to their eligibility. 

 Who is eligible to get a license to conduct a lottery event?

If your organization is interested in conducting a lottery license, please contact the Clerk's department to inquire about your organization's eligibility. 

Charitable organizations may be permitted to conduct a lottery scheme to raise funds once a license is issued. Organizations must have demonstrated charitable or religious mandate to provide programs for: 

  • Relief of poverty
  • Advancement of education
  • Advancement of religion
  • Or other charitable purposes beneficial to the community such as: 
    • Culture and the arts
    • Health and welfare
    • Amateur sports organizations
    • Enhancement of public safety
    • Community service organizations (i.e. Legion, Rotary, Lions, etc.)

In addition, an organization must also demonstrate the following in order to be deemed eligible: 

  • Have been in existence for at least one year; 
  • Provide charitable community services consistent with a primary objective and purpose of the organization for at least one year; 
  • Demonstrate that the organization is established to provide charitable services in the Municipality of Central Huron; 
  • Use proceeds for charitable purposes that benefit the Municipality of Central Huron and its residents; 
  • Assume full responsibility for the conduct and management of its lottery events; and
  • Be deemed eligible to conduct lotteries and open a Lottery Trust Account

The Municipality of Central Huron has the authority to only issue a lottery license to organizations that are operating within the municipal boundaries. If your organization will be operating a license outside of the municipal boundaries of the Municipality of Central Huron, please refer to the municipal office that your organization will be conducting a lottery within. 

 What type of organizations are not eligible for lottery licensing?

Individuals are not eligible for a lottery license, nor are the following organizations: 

  • Social clubs
  • Professional associations, unions, employee groups
  • Government ministries, agents, or bodies
  • Political lobby groups and those attempting to persuade the public to adopt a particular view on a political issue
  • Political parties
  • Adult hobby groups
  • Private social clubs (i.e. golf, curling) 
  • Adult sports teams
  • Individual youth sports teams
  • Organizations established solely for the purpose of fundraising

Use of Proceeds

Eligible uses of proceeds must be: 

  • In themselves charitable and advance the charitable purposes or objects of the organization; 
  • Used for the direct delivery of the charitable purposes or objects of the organization; and
  • Directed toward specific segments of the Ontario community or residents of Ontario with a common need.

Proceeds must be used to pay for direct expenses of charitable activities. Proceeds must be disbursed in a timely manner and cannot be accumulated, unless approved by the Municipality of Central Huron. 

Lottery proceeds must only be used to benefit residents of Ontario. For example, proceeds cannot be donated to disaster relief for communities outside of Ontario. 

Donations to Other Organizations
Lottery proceeds may be donated to other charitable organizations, but the recipient organization must also be eligible for a lottery license themselves.
Ineligible Expenses

Ineligible expenses include: 

  • Provision of personal benefit or gain for members of the applicant organization; 
  • Supporting tourism or other purely economic benefits; 
  • Advancing a particular political issue; 
  • Enhancing lands and buildings owned and/or operated by a government; 
  • A responsibility traditionally fulfilled by a government; and 
  • Funding activities that do not fall within one of the four charitable classifications.
Lottery Trust Accounts

All financial lottery activity must be conducted in a lottery trust account. This account must be used solely for lottery activity and cannot be used for other purposes, such as the proceeds from other types of fundraisers. The types of accounts may vary depending on the bank. For example, the account may be called a 'community organization account' or something similar. 

Accounts must be set up to include monthly statements and images of cheques, which must be submitted to the Municipality with the lottery reports. An organization may use one account for all lottery activity or have separate accounts for each type of lottery held. 

Lottery funds must be held separately to protect them, especially in the case of dissolution. For instance, lottery proceeds cannot be used to pay debts or creditors. A dissolution clause in the organization's constitution will ensure these funds are protected. Two signing officers, who are bona fide members or the organization, are required for the account. All withdrawals from the account must be made by cheque an no transfers are allowed. 

For more information regarding lottery trust accounts, please refer to the AGCO's website


After the lottery event has ended, licensees are required to submit reports to the Municipality of Central Huron. The report forms are available from the AGCO. All reports must be filled out completely and must be signed by two bona fide members and match those members who signed the lottery application form. Future lottery licenses will not be issued if there are outstanding or incomplete reports. Reports must be submitted within: 

  • Bingo - 15 days after each event has ended
  • Break Open Ticket - 30 days after the license ends or the last ticket is sold (whichever comes first) 
  • Raffle - 30 days after the event has ended
Supporting Documentation for Reporting

Documentation is required which supports the contents of the lottery report. These items will include: 

  • Receipts for expenses; 
  • Name and address of winner(s); 
  • A copy of a ticket used (for raffle lotteries); 
  • Funds disbursement information; 
  • Bank statements for the lottery trust account; and
  • Cheque images for payments made from the lottery trust account.

It is important to keep track of the financial particulars over the course of the license, especially when the lottery extends for a significant time period. 

Please include and complete a Central Huron Lottery Report Checklist with your lottery report submission to the Municipality of Central Huron. 

Bingo Licenses

Bingo licenses may be issued for events being held in a public space. They may have a prize value of up to $5,500. Bingo games with a prize board over $5,500 are licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)

Applying for a Bingo License
  1. Ensure that your organization's eligibility is up-to-date with the Municipality 
  2. Review the Bingo License Terms and Conditions
  3. Complete the Application to Manage and Conduct a Bingo Lottery and the Bingo Application Checklist with supporting documentation. 
  4. Submit the Checklist, application form, and supporting documentation to the Municipality of Central Huron Clerk's department for review. 
Submitting a Bingo Report

Following a bingo lottery event, your organization must submit a Bingo Lottery Report within 15 days of holding the lottery. A report can be submitted to the Clerk's department by mail, fax, email, or in-person at the municipal office. 

Supplementary documentation is required to complete the report such as lottery trust account bank statements, copies of cheques, invoices for expenses, and use of lottery proceeds. Please refer to the Central Huron Lottery Report Checklist or contact the Clerk's department. 

Raffle Licenses

 A raffle is a lottery scheme where tickets are sold for a chance to win a prize in a draw. The AGCO's Lottery License Policy Manual states that groups and organizations may only be licensed for one raffle event at a time, except for "calendar draws" or under a "blanket license". Raffles include Catch the Ace (non-electronic) schemes.

The Municipality licenses raffles to eligible non-profit or charitable organizations with prizes up to $50,000. Raffles with prizes over $50,000 are licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

Types of Raffles Permitted
  • Stub draw
  • Elimination draw
  • Calendar draw
  • "Golf ball drop" raffle lottery
  • Rubber duck race
  • 50/50 draw (paper-based) 
  • Blanket raffle
  • Meat spin/turkey roll
  • "Name the Raffle" lottery
  • Bossy bingo/cow patty bingo
  • Auction-style raffles
  • Catch the Ace (non-electronic)
Applying for a Raffle License
  1. Ensure your organization's eligibility is up-to-date with the Municipality
  2. Review the Raffle License Terms and Conditions
  3. Complete the Application to Manage and Control a Raffle Lottery or the Application to Manage and Conduct a Blanket Raffle Lottery and the Raffle Application Checklist and gather supporting documentation such as a mock raffle ticket
  4. Submit the Checklist, Application form, and the supporting documentation to the Clerk's department for review. 
Submitting a Raffle Report

Following the commencement of a raffle lottery event, your organization must submit a Raffle Lottery Report or Blanket Raffle Lottery Report within 30 days of holding the lottery. If the event was a Catch the Ace then a Catch the Ace Raffle Report must be submitted within 7 days after every fourth draw. Your report can be submitted to the Clerk's department by mail, fax, email, or in-person at the municipal office. 

A raffle lottery report must include the following when submitted: 

  • A list of prize winner(s) 
  • An itemized list of administrative costs (licensing fee, ticket purchase/printing fees, etc.) 
  • Lottery trust account bank statements
  • Copies of cheques and invoices for expenses and use of lottery proceeds 
  • One unsold ticket (this is not needed if it is a "rip ticket" for 50/50 draws)

To assist with the information and documentation to be provided, please refer to the Central Huron Lottery Report Checklist, the Raffle Lottery Report Instructions, or contact the Clerk's department.

Break Open Ticket Licenses

Break open tickets are instant-win lottery tickets which are made of cardboard and have perforated cover window tabs. The game is played by tearing off the cover tabs to reveal the symbols underneath. Other types of break open ticket games include seal card games and bingo event tickets. Break open tickets are also known as "Nevada tickets" or "pull tabs".

In the Municipality of Central Huron, Break Open Tickets cannot be conducted in conjunction with another licensed gaming event and tickets must be sold within Central Huron.

Pursuant to Section 3.1 of Terms and Conditions: Schedule of Approved Break Open Ticket Types and Associated Expense Maximums

Applying for a Break Open Ticket License
  1. Ensure your organization's eligibility is up-to-date with the Municipality 
  2. Review the Break Open Ticket License Terms and Conditions
  3. Complete the Break Open Ticket License Application and the Break Open Ticket Application Checklist and gather supporting documentation
  4. Submit the Checklist, Application form, and the supporting documentation to the Clerk's department for review

Groups may request extensions on their break open ticket license if required. This must be done in writing before your current license expires. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

 Submitting a Break Open Ticket Report

Following the commencement of a break open lottery event your organization must submit a Break Open Ticket Lottery Report within 30 days after the license has ended or the last ticket has been sold (whichever is first). Your report can be submitted to the Clerk's department by mail, fax, email, or in-person at the municipal office. 

Supplementary information is required to complete the report such as lottery trust account bank statements, copies of cheques, and copies of invoices matched to corresponding cheques. Please refer to the Central Huron Lottery Report Checklist or contact the Clerk's department. 

Bazaar Licenses

 A bazaar is a sale of goods held to raise money for charity. There are four types of lottery events that are permitted at bazaars: 

  • Wheel of fortune - three wheel maximum ($2 maximum for individual bets)
  • Bingo (not exceeding $5,500 in prizes) 
  • Raffles and penny auction raffles (not exceeding $50,000 in prizes)
Applying for a Bazaar License
  1. Ensure your organization's eligibility is up-to-date with the Municipality
  2. Review the Bazaar License Terms and Conditions 
  3. Complete the Bazaar License Application and the Bazaar Application Checklist and gather supporting documentation
  4. Submit the Application form and the supporting documentation to the Clerk's department for review
Submitting a Bazaar Report

Following the commencement of your event your organization must submit a Lottery Report within 30 days of holding the lottery. Your report can be submitted to the Clerk's department by mail, fax, email, or in-person at the municipal office.

The report must be submitted with the following:

  • A list of prize winner(s)
  • Itemized list of administrative costs (license fee, ticket purchase/printing, etc.) 
  • Lottery trust account bank statements and copies of cheques and invoices for expenses and use of lottery proceeds
  • One unsold ticket (this is not needed if it is a "rip ticket" for penny tables)

To assist with the information and documentation to be provided, please refer to the Central Huron Lottery Report Checklist or contact the Clerk's department.

